
In Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León, you will find Rancho San Javier, a farm that stands out for its commitment to sustainability and conscious production. Led by Eduardo Mireles, this ranch is an example of how the combination of traditional and modern practices can result in healthy and environmentally friendly food production.

Origins and Motivations

For Eduardo Mireles, agriculture has been a mix of heritage and ecological commitment. Following in the footsteps of his grandparents, Eduardo decided to study Biology to give a more conscious approach to the environmental impact of the agricultural practices he knew from his childhood.

"Producing food with an environmental vision means making them local, free of chemicals, with the benefit being for the environment and not so much for our wallet," explains Eduardo. This philosophy has guided his work at Rancho San Javier, where he is dedicated to the production of eggs and chicken meat with a strong commitment to sustainability.
Chickens freely roam at Rancho San Javier.              

Challenges and Overcomings

The path to sustainable production has not been easy for Eduardo and his team. Every day they face new challenges, from climate to operational issues. But with a lot of creativity and without being defeated, they have managed to move forward.

"The drought of 2023 was very strong," recalls Eduardo. "We are vulnerable to climate change and at risk due to lack of water. Despite that, society seeks to have all the comforts without realizing that without water nothing can be done. Today it is easier to have energy anywhere in the world than to have water." This challenge has highlighted the importance of sustainable resource management and has strengthened Eduardo‘s commitment to responsible agricultural practices.

   Responsible agriculture in times of climate change:
   Rancho San Javier as an example of resilience.

Relationship with the Community

The connection with the community is fundamental to the success of Rancho San Javier. Eduardo and his team interact directly with other local producers and have created a network of committed consumers who value sustainable products.

"The relationship with all customers has been very significant, all are informed consumers. We have a commercial network that supports us a lot, among them Hortú, who without them we could not continue building and strengthening the ecological commitment," comments Eduardo. In a world where cooperation is essential for sustainability, Eduardo emphasizes the importance of working together rather than competing.

At Rancho San Javier, the community and sustainable agriculture
go hand in hand.

Innovations and Sustainable Practices

At Rancho San Javier, innovation and sustainability go hand in hand. Eduardo and his team use a combination of agroecological practices and organic methods to ensure that their production is as responsible as possible. From breeding chicken breeds with good genetics to implementing modern agricultural management techniques, they strive to maintain a balance between traditional practices and new technologies.

"Everything is a process of innovation and organic. We try to rescue the best of old practices and incorporate the best of new agroecological practices that are the essence," explains Eduardo. This comprehensive approach ensures that their products are healthy and sustainable.
       A refuge for chickens that demonstrates the commitment       
to animal care

Impact on Health and the Environment

Eduardo sees his role as an agroecological producer as a responsibility to promote health and sustainability. In a society constantly exposed to harmful substances, offering chemical-free food is an important support for improving public health.

"Definitely, many people are still joining this agroecological movement. Although there is a lot of greenwashing that lies about their practices, we try to educate with what is right," says Eduardo. Through education and responsible production, Rancho San Javier is making a positive difference in the community and the environment.

   Agroecology in action: Rancho San Javier demonstrates
that agriculture can be healthy and sustainable.

Eduardo Mireles‘ and his team‘s commitment at Rancho San Javier goes beyond food production; they are driving a movement towards more responsible and sustainable agricultural practices. Their work not only provides high-quality products, but also promotes a vision of the future where agriculture and sustainability go hand in hand.

At Hortú, we are proud to collaborate with producers like Eduardo, who share our passion for sustainability and community well-being. By choosing agroecological products from Hortú, you are not only getting fresh and healthy food, but also supporting a supply chain that respects the environment and strengthens local economies.

Your choice can have a significant impact. Every time you shop at Hortú, you are contributing to a more sustainable future, supporting dedicated farmers like Eduardo, and promoting agricultural practices that are better for our planet. So, the next time you purchase your food, remember the story behind each product and the effort of people committed to a greener and fairer world.

Want to make a difference with your food choices? Do it now! Choose more conscious and responsible products, like the eggs and chicken from Eduardo Mireles‘ Rancho San Javier.

With your support, we create real change!